在网页上显示照片exif信息的ASP代码 |
时间:2008-09-12 00:00:00 来源:TIANZI.ORG 作者:天子 阅读:1917次 |
<!-- 把代码中Exif.asp?f_id=100_2515.JPG改成你自己的图片地址 --> <% Response.charset = "gb2312" '******************************************************************************** '类名:Cls_Exif '功能:获取图片信息 '返回:用|分隔的字符串 '******************************************************************************** const IFD_IDX_Tag_No = 0 const IFD_IDX_Tag_Name = 1 const IFD_IDX_Data_Format = 2 const IFD_IDX_Components = 3 const IFD_IDX_Value = 4 const IFD_IDX_Value_Desc = 5 const IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue = 6 '******************************************************************************** '函数名: '功 能: '参 数: '返 回: '******************************************************************************** Class Cls_Exif Private ExifLookup Private Offset_to_IFD0 Private Offset_to_APP1 Private Offset_to_TIFF Private Length_of_APP1 Private Offset_to_Next_IFD Private IFDDirectory Private Offset_to_ExifSubIFD Private ImageFileName Private IsLoaded Private ExifTemp '******************************************************************************** '函数名:Class_Initialize '功 能:类初始化,不需要调用,这是一个构造函数 '返 回:无 '******************************************************************************** Private Sub Class_Initialize() set ExifLookup = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") '定义字典 'IFD0 Tags ExifLookup.Add "Image Description", "010E" ExifLookup.Add "Camera Make", "010F" ExifLookup.Add "Camera Model", "0110" ExifLookup.Add "Orientation", "0112" ExifLookup.Add "X Resolution", "011A" ExifLookup.Add "Y Resolution", "011B" ExifLookup.Add "Resolution Unit", "0128" ExifLookup.Add "Software", "0131" ExifLookup.Add "Date Time", "0132" ExifLookup.Add "White Point", "013E" ExifLookup.Add "Primary Chromaticities", "013F" ExifLookup.Add "YCbCr Coefficients", "0211" ExifLookup.Add "YCbCr Positioning", "0213" ExifLookup.Add "Reference Black White", "0214" ExifLookup.Add "Copyright", "8298" ExifLookup.Add "Exif Offset", "8769" 'ExifSubIFD Tags ExifLookup.Add "Exposure Time", "829A" ExifLookup.Add "FStop", "829D" ExifLookup.Add "Exposure Program", "8822" ExifLookup.Add "ISO Speed Ratings", "8827" ExifLookup.Add "Exif Version", "9000" ExifLookup.Add "Date Time Original", "9003" ExifLookup.Add "Date Time Digitized", "9004" ExifLookup.Add "Components Configuration", "9101" ExifLookup.Add "Compressed Bits Per Pixel", "9102" ExifLookup.Add "Shutter Speed Value", "9201" ExifLookup.Add "Aperture Value", "9202" ExifLookup.Add "Brightness Value", "9203" ExifLookup.Add "Exposure Bias Value", "9204" ExifLookup.Add "Max Aperture Value", "9205" ExifLookup.Add "Subject Distance", "9206" ExifLookup.Add "Metering Mode", "9207" ExifLookup.Add "Light Source", "9208" ExifLookup.Add "Flash", "9209" ExifLookup.Add "Focal Length", "920A" ExifLookup.Add "Maker Note", "927C" ExifLookup.Add "User Comment", "9286" ExifLookup.Add "Subsec Time", "9290" ExifLookup.Add "Subsec Time Original", "9291" ExifLookup.Add "Subsec Time Digitized", "9292" ExifLookup.Add "Flash Pix Version", "A000" ExifLookup.Add "Color Space", "A001" ExifLookup.Add "Exif Image Width", "A002" ExifLookup.Add "Exif Image Height", "A003" ExifLookup.Add "Related Sound File", "A004" ExifLookup.Add "Exif Interoperability Offset", "A005" ExifLookup.Add "Focal Plane X Resolution", "A20E" ExifLookup.Add "Focal Plane Y Resolution", "A20F" ExifLookup.Add "Focal Plane Resolution Unit", "A210" ExifLookup.Add "Exposure Index", "A215" ExifLookup.Add "Sensing Method", "A217" ExifLookup.Add "File Source", "A300" ExifLookup.Add "Scene Type", "A301" ExifLookup.Add "CFA Pattern", "A302" 'Interoperability IFD Tags ExifLookup.Add "Interoperability Index", "01" ExifLookup.Add "Interoperability Version", "02" ExifLookup.Add "Related Image File Format", "1000" ExifLookup.Add "Related Image Width", "1001" ExifLookup.Add "Related Image Length", "1002" 'IFD1 Tags ExifLookup.Add "Image Width", "0100" ExifLookup.Add "Image Height", "0101" ExifLookup.Add "Bits Per Sample", "0102" ExifLookup.Add "Compression", "0103" ExifLookup.Add "Photometric Interpretation", "0106" ExifLookup.Add "Strip Offsets", "0111" ExifLookup.Add "Sample Per Pixel", "0115" ExifLookup.Add "Rows Per Strip", "0116" ExifLookup.Add "Strip Byte Counts", "0117" ExifLookup.Add "X Resolution 2", "011A" ExifLookup.Add "Y Resolution 2", "011B" ExifLookup.Add "Planar Configuration", "011C" ExifLookup.Add "Resolution Unit 2", "0128" ExifLookup.Add "JPEG Interchange Format", "0201" ExifLookup.Add "JPEG Interchange Format Length", "0202" ExifLookup.Add "YCbCr Coeffecients", "0211" ExifLookup.Add "YCbCr Sub Sampling", "0212" ExifLookup.Add "YCbCr Positioning 2", "0213" ExifLookup.Add "Reference Black White 2", "0214" 'Misc Tags ExifLookup.Add "New Subfile Type", "FE" ExifLookup.Add "Subfile Type", "FF" ExifLookup.Add "Transfer Function", "012D" ExifLookup.Add "Artist", "013B" ExifLookup.Add "Predictor", "013D" ExifLookup.Add "Tile Width", "0142" ExifLookup.Add "Tile Length", "0143" ExifLookup.Add "Tile Offsets", "0144" ExifLookup.Add "Tile Byte Counts", "0145" ExifLookup.Add "Sub IFDs", "014A" ExifLookup.Add "JPEG Tables", "015B" ExifLookup.Add "CFA Repeat Pattern Dim", "828D" ExifLookup.Add "CFA Pattern 2", "828E" ExifLookup.Add "Battery Level", "828F" ExifLookup.Add "IPTC_NAA", "83BB" ExifLookup.Add "Inter Color Profile", "8773" ExifLookup.Add "Spectral Sensitivity", "8824" ExifLookup.Add "GPS Info", "8825" ExifLookup.Add "OECF", "8828" ExifLookup.Add "Interlace", "8829" ExifLookup.Add "Time Zone Offset", "882A" ExifLookup.Add "Self Timer Mode", "882B" ExifLookup.Add "Flash Energy", "920B" ExifLookup.Add "Spatial Frequency Response", "920C" ExifLookup.Add "Noise", "920D" ExifLookup.Add "Image Number", "9211" ExifLookup.Add "Security Classification", "9212" ExifLookup.Add "Image History", "9213" ExifLookup.Add "Subject Location", "9214" ExifLookup.Add "Exposure Index 2", "9215" ExifLookup.Add "TIFFEP Standard ID", "9216" ExifLookup.Add "Flash Energy 2", "A20B" ExifLookup.Add "Spatial Frequency Response 2", "A20C" ExifLookup.Add "Subject Location 2", "A214" ExifTemp=array(0) IFDDirectory = array(0) End Sub Private Sub class_terminate() End Sub
Public Property Let ImageFile(ByVal vNewValue) ImageFileName = vNewValue LoadImage ImageFileName End Property
Public Property Get ImageFile() ImageFile=ImageFileName End Property
Public Function LookupExifTag(which) dim item for each item in ExifLookup if ExifLookup(item) = which then LookupExifTag = item Exit Function End If Next LookupExifTag = which End Function '******************************************************************************** '函数名:hasExifInfo '功 能:检测是否存在Exif信息 '参 数:无 '返 回:无 '******************************************************************************** Public Function hasExifInfo() If IsLoaded = False Or ImageFileName = "" Then hasExifInfo = False ElseIf UBound(IFDDirectory)<1 Then hasExifInfo = False Else hasExifInfo = True End If End Function '******************************************************************************** '函数名:GetExifByName '功 能:获取图片的指定Exif字段 '参 数:ExifTag Exif字段的标志,具体内容参考类初始化代码 '返 回:返回图片的指定Exif字段 '******************************************************************************** Public Function GetExifByName(ExifTag) Dim i If IsLoaded = False And ImageFileName <> "" Then LoadImage (ImageFileName) ElseIf IsLoaded = False And ImageFileName = "" Then Exit Function End If For i = 0 To UBound(IFDDirectory) - 1 If IFDDirectory(i)(IFD_IDX_Tag_Name) = ExifTag Then If IFDDirectory(i)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) <> "" then GetExifByName = IFDDirectory(i)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) Else GetExifByName = IFDDirectory(i)(IFD_IDX_Value) End if Exit For End If Next End Function '******************************************************************************** '函数名:LoadImage '功 能:读入图片 '参 数:picFile 图片地址 '返 回:无 '******************************************************************************** Private sub LoadImage(picFile) If ImageFileName = "" Then ImageFileName = "" If ImageFileName = "" Then Exit sub End If End If OpenJPGFile ImageFileName If InspectJPGFile = False Then IsLoaded = False Exit Sub End If If IsIntel Then Offset_to_IFD0 = ByteToLong(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 17), ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 16), ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 15), ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 14)) Else Offset_to_IFD0 = ByteToLong(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 14), ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 15), ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 16), ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 17)) End If IsLoaded = True GetDirectoryEntries Offset_to_TIFF + Offset_to_IFD0 MakeSenseOfMeaninglessValues End sub
Private Function InspectJPGFile() Dim i If UBound(ExifTemp)<=0 Then InspectJPGFile = False Exit Function End if If ExifTemp(0) <> &HFF And ExifTemp(1) <> &HD8 Then InspectJPGFile = False Else For i = 2 To UBound(ExifTemp) - 1 If ExifTemp(i) = &HFF And ExifTemp(i + 1) = &HE1 Then Offset_to_APP1 = i Exit For End If Next If Offset_to_APP1 = 0 Then InspectJPGFile = False End If Offset_to_TIFF = Offset_to_APP1 + 10 Length_of_APP1 = ByteToInt(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 2), ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 3)) If Not (ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 4) = ASC("E") And ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 5) = ASC("x") And ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 6) = ASC("i") And ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 7) = ASC("f")) Then InspectJPGFile = False Exit Function End If InspectJPGFile = True End If End Function Private Function IsIntel() If ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF) = &H49 Then IsIntel = True Else IsIntel = False End If End Function Private Function OpenJPGFile(FileName) const TristateUseDefault = -2 const TristateTrue = -1 const TristateFalse = 0 const ForReading = 1 const ForWriting = 2 const ForAppending = 8
Dim Ascii, LastByte, CurByte, SOSFound Dim FSO, File, i
If Not FileName = "" Then If InStr(1, FileName, ":") = 0 Then FileName = Server.MapPath(FileName) End If Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If FSO.FileExists(FileName) Then Set File = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") File.Type = 1 File.Mode = 3 File.Open File.LoadFromFile FileName i = 0 While Not File.EOS and SOSFound = false Ascii = ascb(File.Read(1)) LastByte = CurByte CurByte = Ascii if (LastByte = &HFF and CurByte = &HDA) or i > 100000 then SOSFound = true end if ExifTemp(i) = CurByte i = i + 1 ReDim Preserve ExifTemp(i) Wend File.Close Set File = Nothing End If Set FSO = Nothing End If end function
Private Sub GetDirectoryEntries(Offset) const ExifOffset = "8769" const MakerNote = "927C" const m_BYTE = 1 const m_STRING = 2 const m_SHORT = 3 const m_LONG = 4 const m_RATIONAL = 5 const m_SBYTE = 6 const m_UNDEFINED = 7 const m_SSHORT = 8 const m_SLONG = 9 const m_SRATIONAL = 10 const m_SINGLE = 11 const m_DOUBLE = 12 Dim No_of_Entries Dim Upper_IFDDirectory Dim NewDimensions Dim Processed_ExifSubIFD Dim BytesPerComponent Dim Offset_to_MakerNote Dim i, j, k Do If IsIntel Then No_of_Entries = ByteToInt(ExifTemp(Offset + 1), ExifTemp(Offset + 0)) Else No_of_Entries = ByteToInt(ExifTemp(Offset + 0), ExifTemp(Offset + 1)) End If On Error Resume Next Upper_IFDDirectory = UBound(IFDDirectory) On Error GoTo 0 NewDimensions = Upper_IFDDirectory + No_of_Entries ReDim Preserve IFDDirectory(NewDimensions) For i = 1 To No_of_Entries k = Upper_IFDDirectory + i - 1 IFDDirectory(k) = array(null,null,null,null,null,null,null) If IsIntel Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Tag_No) = Hex0(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 1)) & Hex0(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 0)) IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Data_Format) = ByteToInt(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 3), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 2)) IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 7), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 6), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 5), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 4)) Select Case IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Data_Format) Case m_BYTE, m_SBYTE BytesPerComponent = 1 If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = 0 IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToByte((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8, (Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8 + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) If Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) < UBound(ExifTemp) Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToByte(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue), Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = "00" End if End If Case m_STRING, m_UNDEFINED BytesPerComponent = 1 If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = 0 IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToStr((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8, (Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8 + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) If Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) < UBound(ExifTemp) Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToStr(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue), Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = "" End if End If Case m_SHORT, m_SSHORT BytesPerComponent = 2 If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then Select Case IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) Case 1 IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToInt(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) Case 2 IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToInt(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) + ByteToInt(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) End Select IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = 0 Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) If Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) < UBound(ExifTemp) Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToByte(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue), Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = 0 End if End If Case m_LONG, m_SLONG BytesPerComponent = 4 If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = 0 Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) If Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) < UBound(ExifTemp) Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToByte(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue), Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = 0 End if End If Case m_RATIONAL, m_SRATIONAL BytesPerComponent = 8 IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) If Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) < UBound(ExifTemp) Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 3), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 2), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 1), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 0)) & "/" & ByteToLong(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 7), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 6), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 5), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 4)) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = "0/0" End If End Select Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Tag_No) = Hex0(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 0)) & Hex0(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 1)) IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Data_Format) = ByteToInt(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 2), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 3)) IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 4), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 5), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 6), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 7)) Select Case IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Data_Format) Case m_BYTE, m_SBYTE BytesPerComponent = 1 If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = 0 IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToByte((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8, (Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8 + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) If Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) < UBound(ExifTemp) Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToByte(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue), Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = "00" End If End If Case m_STRING, m_UNDEFINED BytesPerComponent = 1 If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = 0 IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToStr((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8, (Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8 + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) If Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) < UBound(ExifTemp) Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToStr(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue), Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = "" End If End If Case m_SHORT, m_SSHORT BytesPerComponent = 2 If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then Select Case IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) Case 1 IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToInt(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) Case 2 IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToInt(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) + ByteToInt(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) End Select IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = 0 Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) If Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) < UBound(ExifTemp) Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToByte(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1, Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue)) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = 0 End If End If Case m_LONG, m_SLONG BytesPerComponent = 4 If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = 0 Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) If Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) < UBound(ExifTemp) Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToByte(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1, Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue)) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = 0 End If End If Case m_RATIONAL, m_SRATIONAL BytesPerComponent = 8 IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10), ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) If Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) < UBound(ExifTemp) Then IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = ByteToLong(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 0), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 1), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 2), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 3)) & "/" & ByteToLong(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 4), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 5), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 6), ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 7)) Else IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = "0/0" End If End Select End If If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Tag_No) = MakerNote Then Offset_to_MakerNote = IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) End If If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Tag_No) = ExifOffset Then Offset_to_ExifSubIFD = CLng(IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value)) End If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Tag_Name) = LookupExifTag(IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Tag_No)) Next If IsIntel Then If Not Processed_ExifSubIFD Then Offset_to_Next_IFD = ByteToLong(ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 3), ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 2), ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 1), ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 0)) Else Offset_to_Next_IFD = 0 End If Else If Not Processed_ExifSubIFD Then Offset_to_Next_IFD = ByteToLong(ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 0), ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 1), ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 2), ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 3)) Else Offset_to_Next_IFD = 0 End If End If If Offset_to_Next_IFD = 0 And Processed_ExifSubIFD = False Then Offset_to_Next_IFD = Offset_to_ExifSubIFD Processed_ExifSubIFD = True ElseIf Processed_ExifSubIFD = False Then If Offset_to_TIFF + Offset_to_Next_IFD + 2 > UBound(ExifTemp) Then Offset_to_Next_IFD = Offset_to_ExifSubIFD Processed_ExifSubIFD = True End If End If Offset = Offset_to_TIFF + Offset_to_Next_IFD Loop While Offset_to_Next_IFD <> 0 If Offset_to_MakerNote <> 0 Then 'ProcessMakerNote Offset_to_MakerNote + Offset_to_TIFF End If End Sub
Private Function Hex0(nValue) Hex0 = Right("00" & Hex(nValue), 2) End Function Private Function ByteToInt(Byte1, Byte2) If Byte1 < 128 Then ByteToInt = Byte1 * 256 + Byte2 Else ByteToInt = Byte2 - (256 - Byte1) * 256 End If End Function Private Function ByteToLong(Byte1, Byte2, Byte3, Byte4) If Byte1 < 128 Then ByteToLong = ((Byte1 * 256 + Byte2) * 256 + Byte3) * 256 + Byte4 Else ByteToLong = Byte4 - (((256 - Byte1) * 256 - Byte2) * 256 - Byte3) * 256 End If End Function
Private Function ByteToStr(StartOffset, EndOffset) Dim i ByteToStr = "" If StartOffset > EndOffset Then For i = StartOffset To EndOffset Step -1 If ExifTemp(i) = 0 Then Exit For If i > EndOffset Then If ExifTemp(i) >= 128 and ExifTemp(i - 1) >= 128 Then ByteToStr = ByteToStr & Chr(ByteToInt(ExifTemp(i), ExifTemp(StartOffset + i - 1))) i = i - 1 Else ByteToStr = ByteToStr & Chr(ExifTemp(i)) End If Else ByteToStr = ByteToStr & Chr(ExifTemp(i)) End If Next Else For i = StartOffset To EndOffset If ExifTemp(i) = 0 Then Exit For If i < EndOffset Then If ExifTemp(i) >= 128 and ExifTemp(i + 1) >= 128 Then ByteToStr = ByteToStr & Chr(ByteToInt(ExifTemp(i), ExifTemp(i + 1))) i = i + 1 Else ByteToStr = ByteToStr & Chr(ExifTemp(i)) End If Else ByteToStr = ByteToStr & Chr(ExifTemp(i)) End If Next End If End Function Private Function ByteToByte(StartOffset, EndOffset) Dim i ByteToByte = "" If StartOffset > EndOffset Then For i = StartOffset To EndOffset Step -1 If ByteToByte <> "" Then ByteToByte = ByteToByte & " " ByteToByte = ByteToByte & Hex0(ExifTemp(i)) Next Else For i = StartOffset To EndOffset If ByteToByte <> "" Then ByteToByte = ByteToByte & " " ByteToByte = ByteToByte & Hex0(ExifTemp(i)) Next End If End Function
Private Function MakeSenseOfMeaninglessValues() Dim x Dim TagValues For x = 0 To ubound(IFDDirectory) - 1 Select Case IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Tag_Name) Case "Orientation" TagValues = array("未知","上左","上右", "下右", "下左", "左上", "右上", "右下", "左下") If IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value)>=0 and IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value)<ubound(TagValues) Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = TagValues(IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value)) Else IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = "未知" End if Case "Metering Mode" TagValues = array("未知","平均","偏中心平均", "点", "多点", "图案", "部分") If IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value)>=0 and IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value)<ubound(TagValues) Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = TagValues(IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value)) Else IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = "未知" End if Case "FStop" TagValues = Split(IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value), "/") If UBound(TagValues) = 1 Then If CLng(TagValues(1))<>0 Then If (CLng(TagValues(0)) Mod CLng(TagValues(1))) = 0 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = "F/" & (CLng(TagValues(0)) CLng(TagValues(1))) Else IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = "F/" & Round(CLng(TagValues(0)) / CLng(TagValues(1)),1) End If End If End if Case "Exposure Time" TagValues = Split(IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value), "/") If UBound(TagValues) = 1 Then If CLng(TagValues(1))<>0 Then If CLng(TagValues(1)) > CLng(TagValues(0)) Then If (CLng(TagValues(1)) Mod CLng(TagValues(0))) = 0 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = "1/" & (CLng(TagValues(1)) CLng(TagValues(0))) & " 秒" Else IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = "1/" & Round(CLng(TagValues(1)) / CLng(TagValues(0)),1) & " 秒" End If Else If (CLng(TagValues(0)) Mod CLng(TagValues(1))) = 0 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = CLng(TagValues(0)) CLng(TagValues(1)) & " 秒" Else IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = Round(CLng(TagValues(0)) / CLng(TagValues(1)),1) & " 秒" End If End if End if End if Case "Flash" If (IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value) Mod 2) = 0 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = "关" Else IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = "开" End If TagValues = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value) 2 If (TagValues Mod 4) = 2 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & "[无选通返回]" ElseIf (TagValues Mod 4) = 3 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & "[带选通返回]" End If TagValues = TagValues 4 If (TagValues Mod 4) = 1 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & "[强制闪光]" ElseIf (TagValues Mod 4) = 2 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & "[强制关闭]" ElseIf (TagValues Mod 4) = 3 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & "[自动闪光]" End If TagValues = TagValues 4 If (TagValues Mod 2) = 1 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & "[无闪光灯]" End If TagValues = TagValues 2 If (TagValues Mod 2) = 1 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & "[去红眼]" End If Case "Exposure Bias Value" TagValues = Split(IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value),"/") If UBound(TagValues) = 1 Then If CLng(TagValues(1))<>0 Then If CLng(TagValues(0)) > 0 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = "+ " ElseIf CLng(TagValues(0)) = 0 then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = "0" Else IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = "- " End If If TagValues(0)<>0 Then If CLng(Abs(TagValues(0))) < CLng(Abs(TagValues(1))) And CLng(TagValues(0)) <> 0 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & "0" IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & Round(CLng(Abs(TagValues(0))) / CLng(Abs(TagValues(1))),1) End If IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & "EV" End If End if Case "Focal Length" TagValues = Split(IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value),"/") If UBound(TagValues) = 1 Then If CLng(TagValues(1))<>0 Then IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = Round(CLng(TagValues(0)) / CLng(TagValues(1)),1) End If End If IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) = IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & " 毫米" End Select Next End Function End Class %>
<% '******************************************************************************** '函数名:GetImageExifInfo '功 能:获取基本的Exif信息 '参 数:PicURL 文件路径,相对路径 '返 回:用|分隔的字符串 '******************************************************************************** Function GetImageExifInfo(PicURL) Dim TempStr, TempSplit Dim ExifInfo
set ExifInfo = new Cls_Exif On Error Resume Next ExifInfo.ImageFile = Server.MapPath(PicURL) If Err<>0 Then Err.Clear On Error Goto 0 Set ExifInfo = Nothing GetImageExifInfo = "" Exit Function Else On Error Goto 0 End if if ExifInfo.hasExifInfo() and ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Camera Make")<>"" then TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Camera Make") GetImageExifInfo = ExifItem(TempStr) TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Camera Model") GetImageExifInfo = GetImageExifInfo & "|" & ExifItem(TempStr) TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Date Time Original") If Left(TempStr, 4) = "0000" Then TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Date Time Digitized") End If If Left(TempStr, 4) = "0000" Then TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Date Time") End If If Left(TempStr, 4) = "0000" Then TempStr = "" End If GetImageExifInfo = GetImageExifInfo & "|" & ExifItem(TempStr) TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Exif Image Width") TempSplit = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Exif Image Height") if TempStr <> "" and TempSplit<>"" then TempStr = TempStr & " × " & TempSplit else TempStr = "" end if GetImageExifInfo = GetImageExifInfo & "|" & ExifItem(TempStr) TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Software") GetImageExifInfo = GetImageExifInfo & "|" & ExifItem(TempStr) TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("ISO Speed Ratings") GetImageExifInfo = GetImageExifInfo & "|" & ExifItem(TempStr) TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("FStop") GetImageExifInfo = GetImageExifInfo & "|" & ExifItem(TempStr) TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Exposure Time") GetImageExifInfo = GetImageExifInfo & "|" & ExifItem(TempStr) TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Flash") GetImageExifInfo = GetImageExifInfo & "|" & ExifItem(TempStr) TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Exposure Bias Value") GetImageExifInfo = GetImageExifInfo & "|" & ExifItem(TempStr) TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Focal Length") GetImageExifInfo = GetImageExifInfo & "|" & ExifItem(TempStr) TempStr = ExifInfo.GetExifByName("Metering Mode") GetImageExifInfo = GetImageExifInfo & "|" & ExifItem(TempStr) else GetImageExifInfo = "" end if Set ExifInfo = Nothing End Function
Function GetAllExifInfo(PicURL) set ExifInfo = new Cls_Exif On Error Resume Next ExifInfo.ImageFile = Server.MapPath(PicURL) GetAllExifInfo=ExifInfo.ExifAllInfo() Set ExifInfo = Nothing End Function
Function GetHexInfo(PicURL) set ExifInfo = new Cls_Exif On Error Resume Next ExifInfo.ImageFile = Server.MapPath(picURL) GetHexInfo=ExifInfo.ExifAllInfo2() Set ExifInfo = Nothing End Function
Function ExifItem(ItemValue) if ItemValue <> "" then ExifItem = ExifItem & Server.HtmlEnCode(ItemValue) else ExifItem = ExifItem & "未知" end if End Function %>
<% dim F_Name F_Name=request.querystring("ph_id") %>
'F_Name = "tianzi.JPG" Exif = GetImageExifInfo(F_Name) If Trim(Exif) <> "" Then ExifSplit=Split(Exif,"|") %> <body text="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#000000" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 8pt">
<div align="center">
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" border="0" bordercolor="#333333"> <tr> <td class="TBBG1" style="width:20px" rowspan="4"><img src=img/exif.gif></td> <td class="TBBG1" style="width:60px"><font face="宋体" color="#A0BDFF"> <span style="font-size: 9pt">相机品牌</span></td> <td class="TBBG9" style="width:160px"><span style="font-size: 9pt"> <font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(0)%></font></span></td> <td class="TBBG1" style="width:60px"><font color="#A0BDFF"><span style="font-size: 9pt">相机型号</span></font></td> <td class="TBBG9" style="width:120px"><span style="font-size: 9pt"> <font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(1)%></font></span></td> <td class="TBBG1" style="width:60px"><font color="#A0BDFF"><span style="font-size: 9pt">拍摄时间</span></font></td> <td class="TBBG9" style="width:140px"><span style="font-size: 9pt"> <font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(2)%></font></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TBBG1"><font color="#A0BDFF"><span style="font-size: 9pt">照片尺寸</span></font></td> <td class="TBBG9"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(3)%></font></span></td> <td class="TBBG1"><font color="#A0BDFF"><span style="font-size: 9pt">编辑工具</span></font></td> <td class="TBBG9"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(4)%></font></span></td> <td class="TBBG1"><font color="#A0BDFF"><span style="font-size: 9pt">ISO 速度</span></font></td> <td class="TBBG9"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(5)%></font></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TBBG1"><font color="#A0BDFF"><span style="font-size: 9pt">光 圈</span></font></td> <td class="TBBG9"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(6)%></font></span></td> <td class="TBBG1"><font color="#A0BDFF"><span style="font-size: 9pt">曝光时间</span></font></td> <td class="TBBG9"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(7)%></font></span></td> <td class="TBBG1"><font color="#A0BDFF"><span style="font-size: 9pt">闪 光 灯</span></font></td> <td class="TBBG9"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(8)%></font></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TBBG1"><font color="#A0BDFF"><span style="font-size: 9pt">曝光补偿</span></font></td> <td class="TBBG9"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(9)%></font></span></td> <td class="TBBG1"><font color="#A0BDFF"><span style="font-size: 9pt">焦 距</span></font></td> <td class="TBBG9"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(10)%></font></span></td> <td class="TBBG1"><font color="#A0BDFF"><span style="font-size: 9pt">测距模式</span></font></td> <td class="TBBG9"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font color="#A0BDFF"><%=ExifSplit(11)%></font></span></font></td> </tr> </table></div>
<% Else%> <body bgcolor="#000000" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 8pt">
<div align="center">
<table style="border-collapse: collapse" border="0" bordercolor="#333333"> <tr> <td class="TBBG1" style="width:20px" rowspan="3"><img src=img/exif.gif></td> <td class="TBBG1" width="610">.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TBBG1"><p align="center"><font color="#A0BDFF" style="font-size: 9pt">--== 该照片不存在Exif信息 ==--</font> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TBBG1"> .</td> </tr> </table>
<%End If%> |